Data collection and structuring

Applied to Business


Document Automation

Do you have to create the same type of document every day? Our integrated solution can collect the data you need and create the documents automatically. In addition, the document will also be available for searching shortly after it is created.

Utilizing blockchain, smart contracts, DeFi, NFTs, DAOs, and cryptocurrency, we're enabling secure, decentralized finance, tokenization, and ledger technology for revolutionary transparency and peer-to-peer transactions.

Document Protection

we use top cryptography to keep your documents safe of leaking. On top of that we provide firewall as well as other security, preventing unwanted access and breaches.

Leveraging breakthrough NLP, AI-driven sentiment analysis, semantic search, machine translation, and deep learning, we're revolutionizing conversational AI and text analytics for transformative user engagement and cognitive computing advancements.

Backup on Blockchain

Back up all your documents in a immutable system. Make sure your documents will never be lost and track any changes instantly.

Machine Learning Natural Language Processing Neural Networks Deep Learning Chatbots Predictive Analytics Computer Vision Artificial Intelligence Trends AI Algorithms Voice Recognition

Digital Storage

Using the best servers we provide a top security service. Have your documents available anywhere in the world. Don't worry about settings or maintenance


With a huge amount of documents finding what you need is a challenge. We provide an intelligent indexing system capable of organizing your documents based on various criteria.

"Harnessing the transformative power of Large Language Models (LLMs), we leverage cutting-edge AI to drive unparalleled insights, enabling scalable, context-aware, and highly personalized real-time responses, thereby revolutionizing the landscape of machine learning and natural language processing through deep learning innovations, big data analytics, and neural network optimization


As simple as it sounds, we digitize any volume of documents and provide a digital version of them. This service enables many smart applications such as searching, pattern recognition or even more advanced data analysis.

Data Science Services

Otimiza a arquitetura de dados, evitando gastos desnecessários e ​ 119 / 5,000 Translation results Translation result Optimizes data architecture, avoiding unnecessary expenses and allows for a variety of applications artificial intelligence

Process Management

Integrating it into your current process, we use the documents to understand and map the entire process. From there, we analyze all routines and present the best solution to streamline the process as well as increase quality and safety.

Integrating AI, ML, deep learning, neural networks, computer vision, and natural language processing to pioneer adaptive, intelligent systems for real-time analytics, automation, and predictive modeling

Advanced Report

We analyze your documents and create metadata about them. Providing useful information for the management of your company. This can be as simple as statistics on the time taken for each task or as complex as the impact on the company's revenue.

How it works

We solve the problem of getting information from documents, systems, websites and other digital sources. This process is divided in two main areas:
  • Collection is the process of getting the data from one or more sources. That can be done using different techniques from crawlers to image recognition
  • Structuring is normally required as a intermediate step before the data can be analyzed. 

Working with Semi-structured data

Check some of our applications


Our bots are ready to collect almost any online information. They're also able to work with information extraction from Data Lakes. The right solution when you just need more data in order to get a result or achieve higher performance without sacrificing well structured schemas.

Printed Documents

Do you need to speed up your scanning process?
Our software is able to identify information from your scanned documents and organize them in digital format​

Digital Documents

Many PDFs and other documents are well structured for humans, but not for machines. This precludes the ability to develop analyzes or even to organize and consult the information. We can enable this data collection back.​

What we can do for you?​

Intelligent Document Recognition (IDR)​

This process allows you to extract data and meta description from many documents in a very efficient way. The process is based on interpreting patterns such as tables, contents, tags, blank fields, and so on. After creating the document template our system organizes the information in a database


Optical character recognition (OCR)

It is image recognition applied to texts. Using this technique, we can retrieve data from documents that are written for humans to read. Most PDFs are like this, but it can also be the case for scanned documents or even other digital files that you can’t perform a search directly on

Optical mark recognition (OMR)

Used for speed up the capture of human-marked data. It is very useful when you have a process that is not fully digitized. It enables data analysis and consultancy which is required for many applications

Intelligent character recognition (ICR)

Also used for speed up the capture of human-marked data. It is the most sophisticated process that can deal with millions of documents way faster than humans

Common Applications

Documents classification

Sorting documents for later consultancy is a very common task that many departments need such as accounting, finance, marketing, human resources and others. Here are just a few of the common applications



Stock market

Controlling investments through brokerage notes is a big headache. Our solution calculate all your operations in a 100% automated way, providing tax calculation and real-time performance.

Document scanning

Responding to customer request, we developed a process to receive printed documents and return a searchable digital document. The next step was to create an optimization process that used prior agreement to estimate better business deals



Sometimes your process is fully digital, but your suppliers are not. We solved this integration process, by designing a process that receives a PDF file from the logistics provider, extracts all the data and automatically enters it into the system, saving thousands of man-hours.

Let's talk about your next project

We reduce your data development and analysis cost