Customized LLMs

Applying AI to your business

Empowering Your Business with AI

Welcome to VeryonGroup, your dedicated Artificial Intelligence partner to help with your digital journey. With over a decade of expertise, we offer innovative infrastructure services that refine business models, optimize existing systems, and revolutionize customer experiences through automation and analytics. Our data analysis strategies unlock new revenue streams, markets, and business opportunities.


Let’s unite to shape the future of your business with transformative Artificial Intelligence solutions.
Otimiza a arquitetura de dados, evitando gastos desnecessários e ​ 119 / 5,000 Translation results Translation result Optimizes data architecture, avoiding unnecessary expenses and allows for a variety of applications artificial intelligence

Our services

Otimiza a arquitetura de dados, evitando gastos desnecessários e permite diversas aplicações de inteligência artificial


Chat with your files as if you are chatting with a assistant. Highly customized and resource-saving LLM based modeled to perform personalized data extraction and knowledge management

Machine Learning Natural Language Processing Neural Networks Deep Learning Chatbots Predictive Analytics Computer Vision Artificial Intelligence Trends AI Algorithms Voice Recognition

Data Software house

Software development, empowering Your Business Through Tailored Software Solutions: Expert Analytics and Data Science Integration for Front-End and Back-End Development

Visual solutions for your systems. We create simple to use interfaces

Squad Light

Professionals seek to understand your project and join your team to develop data applications

Data Automation

Automate the collection and organization of data, providing efficiency and agility in strategies. We take care of your data structure

Squad Agil

A team trained in developing algorithms and intelligence to deal with your data using agile methodology

But What is the Large Language Model (LLM) anyway?

It is a deep learning algorithm that can perform a variety of natural language processing (NLP) tasks such as summarize, generate and predict new content.

Starting with data collection and pre-processing, we train the algorithmic model to learn patterns, ensuring customized results.


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Data Software house

Leveraging agile methodology, we met the demand for developing a single platform capable of monitoring multiple social networks. The challenge involved managing millions of real-time data and integrating with constantly changing APIs and systems, requiring complex data architecture and the use of various technologies.

Our team efficiently navigated this scenario, maintaining the project's flexibility. Even amid significant market changes, the solution remained adaptable, sustainable, and ready for new integrations.

Integrating AI, ML, deep learning, neural networks, computer vision, and natural language processing to pioneer adaptive, intelligent systems for real-time analytics, automation, and predictive modeling


In this deployment of Chatfiles technology, we empowered our client to optimize the use of their maintenance manuals, facilitating efficient organization, searching, indexing, and retrieving information from extensive documentation.

Our solution, a fully customized search tool, leverages an interactive chat format to swiftly provide accurate answers to specific technical queries.

Machine Learning Natural Language Processing Neural Networks Deep Learning Chatbots Predictive Analytics Computer Vision Artificial Intelligence Trends AI Algorithms Voice Recognition

Data Automation

The data automation product enable our clients to enhance the information retrieving process saving thousands of man hours and we offer an analysis that fit our clients' needs.

We began by mapping out their workflows, pinpointing bottlenecks, and inefficiencies. Utilizing a blend of web crawlers and image recognition, we automated the collection of sales data, and supplier information from multiple digital sources. This crucial step ensured a seamless aggregation of data, which was then structured for comprehensive analysis.